Crate synstructure [] [src]


This crate provides helper types for matching against enum variants, and extracting bindings to each of the fields in the deriving Struct or Enum in a generic way.

If you are writing a #[derive] which needs to perform some operation on every field, then you have come to the right place!

Example: WalkFields

 * Trait
pub trait WalkFields: std::any::Any {
    fn walk_fields(&self, walk: &mut FnMut(&WalkFields));
impl WalkFields for i32 {
    fn walk_fields(&self, walk: &mut FnMut(&WalkFields)) {}

 * Derive Implementation
fn walkfields_derive(s: synstructure::Structure) -> quote::Tokens {
    let body = s.each(|bi| quote!{

    s.bound_impl("::WalkFields", quote!{
        fn walk_fields(&self, walk: &mut FnMut(&::WalkFields)) {
            match *self { #body }
decl_derive!([WalkFields] => walkfields_derive);

 * Test Case
fn main() {
    test_derive! {
        walkfields_derive {
            enum A<T> {
                B(i32, T),
        expands to {
            impl<T> ::WalkFields for A<T> where T: ::WalkFields {
                fn walk_fields(&self, walk: &mut FnMut(&::WalkFields)) {
                    match *self {
                        A::B(ref __binding_0, ref __binding_1,) => {
                            { walk(__binding_0) }
                            { walk(__binding_1) }
                        A::C(ref __binding_0,) => {
                            { walk(__binding_0) }

Example: Interest

 * Trait
pub trait Interest {
    fn interesting(&self) -> bool;
impl Interest for i32 {
    fn interesting(&self) -> bool { *self > 0 }

 * Derive Implementation
fn interest_derive(mut s: synstructure::Structure) -> quote::Tokens {
    let body = s.fold(false, |acc, bi| quote!{
        #acc || ::Interest::interesting(#bi)

    s.bound_impl("::Interest", quote!{
        fn interesting(&self) -> bool {
            match *self {
decl_derive!([Interest] => interest_derive);

 * Test Case
fn main() {
        interest_derive {
            enum A<T> {
                B(i32, T),
        expands to {
            impl<T> ::Interest for A<T> where T: ::Interest {
                fn interesting(&self) -> bool {
                    match *self {
                        A::B(ref __binding_0, ref __binding_1,) => {
                            false || ::Interest::interesting(__binding_0) ||
                        A::C(ref __binding_0,) => {
                            false || ::Interest::interesting(__binding_0)

For more example usage, consider investigating the abomonation_derive crate, which makes use of this crate, and is fairly simple.



The decl_derive! macro declares a custom derive wrapper. It will parse the incoming TokenStream into a synstructure::Structure object, and pass it into the inner function.


Run a test on a custom derive. This macro expands both the original struct and the expansion to ensure that they compile correctly, and confirms that feeding the original struct into the named derive will produce the written output.



Information about a specific binding. This contains both an Ident reference to the given field, and the syn &'a Field descriptor for that field.


A wrapper around a syn DeriveInput which provides utilities for creating custom derive trait implementations.


This type is similar to syn's Variant type, however each of the fields are references rather than owned. When this is used as the AST for a real variant, this struct simply borrows the fields of the syn Variant, however this type may also be used as the sole variant for astruct.


A wrapper around a syn DeriveInput's variant which provides utilities for destructuring Variants with match expressions.



The type of binding to use when generating a pattern.